Friday, October 1, 2010

Holidays are ending soon.


Holidays are ending pretty much soon & yeap.
I've not really enjoyed enough :( :( :( :( :(
I wanna go fly kite, I wanna go JB, I wanna ton @ panjang again, I wanna do so many things! :(
So not fair....
Time flies super duper fast when I'm enjoying. :(
Eventhough, I still wonder how would a new semester be. Fun? Boring? Interesting? or Crazy?
Idk. A part of me is anticipating & yet a part of me is still very reluctant to go school.
& I believe many others too.. :|

Well, these few days were not bad.
Went to KBox with Siah, YL & B.
I sweared we literally went insane during the 3 hours session.
We yelled, we screamed, we changed the song lyrics. Whatsoever.
It's fun. Haha! At least, $8 is worth it.
Hopefully the next few days are as interesting.
Later on I'm going for class bbq, Sunday I'm going JB with family.
Monday is stay-over for me. Awesome! (Y)
Shall enjoy the last week of holidays till the last hour! Hehe (L)

Till then, I shall update this site soon..
Holiday updates on Twitter & Facebook! (:

2 more days, love.


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