Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fading Off

..It seems like a dream.

Was Marketing UT.
Baby went school with me. (Y)
It's something to be happy about. (L)
Ate breakfast and headed off for class.
Jacob is being an uncle by ranting "Arlene, why you late again...."
Well, IDC. LOL
It was a bad day as Short Elephant aka ShitMin aka ShiMin is sad sad.
Me too.
At work it wasn't as pleasant too.
After UT, Siah came and picked us up to CWP (Y)
MJC was sad sad too. :(
Ye was being a very good Bf in comforting her & teaching her what to do.. (Y)
He also made her smile smile (L)
I really had to salute him (Y)
Went off to ION for work.
Hung Chun, Tey Wei Jie, David, Darnell, Kenneth and Ivan was working with us too (Y)
Fun but alot of things happened inside! HAHA
Gays kissing. Champagne glasses broke. Aunties french kissing.
Gays grinding each other. Stepping of foot. Dancing on table.
Martini were free flow. Club music was crazy (Y)
Me like & no like work that day (:
MJC went homey first with 2 malay girls. :/
Taxi driver was great by sending her home for free! (L)
I ended work at 2am and headed back home with Kenneth, Ivan & Darnell.
Shag, (Y) & (N) but $$$$$$ (Y) LOL

OH MAN. Outing with MJC, WeiQian & PeiPei (Y)
Fun (Y)
As usual, MJC is busy disturbing me :(
We saw an Audi R8 & Lamborghinni (L)
Dope \m/
After we made our preeety nails, we went over to BPP to meet the guys.
On the way to there, Aunty Qian was being a GREAT person by asking me to sit on the floor.
After which headed over to EighteenChefs. (Y)
Cheese baked rice with sausages was dopeeee \m/
Siah was being a great person by sending me homey (Y)
(Pictures on FB)

Woke up, sent Black Aunty pictures and headed to Panjang (L)
Met Bb :*
Kinda miss him alot.
Ate at Xin Wang Taiwan Cafe (:
After which, I headed home to meet Mummy & Daddy.
Ate dinner and bought my new MP3 as my old one is giving me problems :(
Well, I love my new one so much naooo (L)
& I so wanna get a belly piercing, nose piercing :(
Can I get them for X'mas baby? (:

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